Monday, July 6, 2009

Tough Family (In-Laws)

My wife's family has an annual 4th of July barbecue and besides there being no shortage of food, drink and games, there is no shortage of opinions. Now being family you would assume that means I already have their support and of course with that their vote? No way! Now mind you they are all excited about the process, but before they would lend any support we had to go through the Caiola / Villatore "Inquisition"!

A little background on the "committee", all very successful, financially independent, highly educated, mostly of Italian heritage, socially and politically active, Democrats. I have been a part of this family officially for 23+ years and in spite of being a Republican (and Irish) they have always been great to me (I do believe that having served in the Navy, as did the patriarch of the Family, gave me instant credibility in the early years). I love them, and they love me and my family!

Question #1: Are you still a Republican?

There in lies the problem gang! We are living in a polarized and paralyzed society. You know me, I said, we share the very same values! We may differ in our opinions on the government's level of involvement in the people's day to day lives, but we all agree in individuals civil liberties, education, free enterprise, private entrepreneurship, equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity.

Question #2: What can you do?

Create a new atmosphere and force transparency on Washington and more importantly follow the will of the electorate! Break up the aristocratic mentality that exists today. Over the last 7 election cycles an average of 96% of the incumbents were re-elected, sounds like pretty good job security. (Source:

Statement #1: The Republican leadership will never permit you to be elected if you are not going to "toe the line"!

Wow, what happened to the questions? This is how quickly we get distracted and shows how little faith the American people have the electoral process. I honestly believe, and maybe this is naive, that in this new era of mass and instant communication there is no need to "toe the line". There is now the ability to report to the constituents exactly what is going on, who politicians are meeting with, what they are considering, what and who is offering what to whom. If you say you are going to do one thing and do another you will, and more importantly SHOULD, be held accountable.

Question #3: How do you intend to raise money?

Again in this new era of communication we live in, I don't think there is a need for much money. In this campaign there will be no pollsters, I intend on saying what I believe, not what a poll says I should believe. No speechwriters, I will admit that I will need a speech editor, but it is my intention to write every word I will ever speak. No conventional media mudslinging. There will be no "Daisy Ad", no "Black Baby of John McCain", no "Willie Horton", and no "Swift Boat". As a matter of fact I believe there should be spending limits on all elections.

Question #4: Why not run for a Town or County position first?

Why should that be a prerequisite for federal office? Will I be a better or different person with an investment first in local office? I think this would just make me a politician which by definition according to Merriam-Webster is "2a - a person engaged in party politics as a profession 2b: a person primarily interested in political office for selfish or other narrow usually short-sighted reasons".

I wish I could continue, but like the rest of us I have work to do, obligations to my employer and a commitment to my family. I can tell you this though, the questions / statements / and debate continued for 5 more hours (this is why I am sure politicians just make quick "appearances") and I am confident that I have a majority of their support.

Next weekend a barbecue with my Mom's side of the family, as tough a bunch as the in-laws, If I can get past them getting to DC will be a piece of cake. Happy 4th of July!!!

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